With 6th place, we move from the study of hate to the study of love with “The Kiss”

2017-12-27 10:13:00

With 6th place, we move from the study of hate to the study of love with “The Kiss” – Gustav Klimt’s favorite painting. From Klimt’s “Golden Period”, Byzantine artistic influence can be seen in the robes worn by the passionately in love couple. The Upper Belvedere says that with “The Kiss,” Klimt made a “common statement about love—at the heart of human existence.” And everyone seemed to accept it thanks to its appeal. Klimt’s other works are bought and sold for huge sums and “The Kiss” not. Oprah Winfrey sold her 1907 artwork “Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer II” for 150 million dollars in 2016 – a profit of $60 million.With 6th place, we move from the study of hate to the study of love with "The Kiss"


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    With 6th place, we move from the study of hate to the study of love with “The Kiss”

    2017-12-27 10:13:00

    With 6th place, we move from the study of hate to the study of love with “The Kiss” – Gustav Klimt’s favorite painting. From Klimt’s “Golden Period”, Byzantine artistic influence can be seen in the robes worn by the passionately in love couple. The Upper Belvedere says that with “The Kiss,” Klimt made a “common statement about love—at the heart of human existence.” And everyone seemed to accept it thanks to its appeal. Klimt’s other works are bought and sold for huge sums and “The Kiss” not. Oprah Winfrey sold her 1907 artwork “Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer II” for 150 million dollars in 2016 – a profit of $60 million.With 6th place, we move from the study of hate to the study of love with "The Kiss"


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